Project Description

Last year the PipeTech team was working along the waterfront in Sans Souci to rehabilitate 20 manholes on behalf of our client Sydney Water.

The issue

Due to the harsh marine conditions, cracks had developed within the structures and were identified as a source of saltwater ingress into the local sewer. This reduces the operational capacity of the system and causes long-term damage to the pump station equipment.

The assets were located within private waterfront properties and the PipeTech team worked expertly around a number of challenges, including the weather, tides and the sensitive environment.

The solution

The rehabilitation involved the use of a bespoke waterproofing solution, where the inside of the manhole is sealed using a chimney repair system brought in from the United States.

This was followed by an Epoxy fibre-glass coating to completely waterproof and seal the manhole, extending the life of the hundred-year-old wastewater pipes for many years to come.